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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Stockyards, a Stampede, and the Wild Wild West

Here are some pictures from our fun-filled afternoon with Deanna and Kristy. Deanna was our lovely tour guide and travel agent. She did a fabulous job. We went to the Wild Wild West show. Watched the longhorns "stampede" through the streets. Watched a gunfight. Sweated a little bit. Then we went over to downtown Fort Worth and browsed a gargantuan Barnes and Noble and had dinner at Razoo's. The fun-filled evening ended at our apartment with Kristy giving us lessons on use of the Internet and Deanna organizing my available work hours and the minimum amount I can make per hour to reach my goal. Lots of fun! It was great to see familiar faces!

Awaiting the stampede on the curb. It was REALLY hot!

This mean guy almost ran me over! I was lucky to get the picture he was moving so fast! :)

There they go...stampedeing through downtown Fort Worth.

Another view of the longhorn cattle.

A maze that was featured on amazing race.

A tower Deanna felt needed to be photographed.

The sign for the WILD WILD WEST show.
Where you get your tickets for the show.

Flags for National Anthem. Deanna has way better pictures. Sorry you have to look at mine.
"Ole Glory" hasn't come out yet and I was unable to get a picture because the horse ran to fast.

Crazy man standing up on two horses running around the arena.

I call this..."Deep in Thought"...YES it IS an original....haha!

BTW...There was this guy dressed up like an Indian with his horse sitting on the corner. He had a sign that said he would pose for pictures for tips. This lady walks by on her cell phone and just snaps a picture as she is walking. He starts yelling at her, "mam...MAM...we work for TIPS!" I thought he was going to mow her down. She just kept walking and never checked up. I was like, dude, do you understand what tips are...THEY ARE OPTIONAL...we give it to you if we feel like it. If he wanted to charge for his pictures he should have said, a picture costs 5 bucks. Anyways, I thought it was funny. Plus in the Wild Wild West show, they had this "Indian" come out and show us a war dance. He was totally white. No denying it. Kristy said he could have at least gone to the tanning bed! Have a great day!

For those new to the computer lingo: BTW mean By The Way. :)

1 comment:

Josh, Jessica, and Alyssa said...

I'm glad to see things are going well for you guys out there.