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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Blog Feeder

My lovely friend Kristy introduced me to this most fabulous internet invention. It is called a feed. Maybe I am just way behind in the game, but just in case I'm not, here is what it does. Do you ever get tired of clicking around on all your friends' blog sites only to find that no one has updated anything? Well a feed is the answer to your problems. I use Google's feed which is called Google Reader. You just need a google account to access it. Most of you already have a google account because you are using BlogSpot. Anyways, just go into Reader...you can find a link to it on your dashboard on the right hand side OR you can get to it from your g-mail account on the very top of the page...you might have to click the MORE button (if you have to login, use the same info you use to login to Blogger). So, as I was saying, go into Google Reader...then all you have to do is click ADD SUBSCRIPTION (on the left side of the screen)...in the box type the address for the blog you want to add. For example, if you want to add me (which you should) type www.mandmketchum.blogspot.com then click add (you can also copy and paste the web address from another screen if it is too much to remember). It will automatically pull all of my posts into your Reader. You can mark them all as read in the beginning. Then each day, you simply log into your Reader, and it tells you who all has updated their blogs! AMAZING! If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me. I am not the best explainer on things Internet...but I can try! marybethketchum@gmail.com

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