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Monday, August 11, 2008

This Became Known...& Many Believed

Scripture:  Acts 9:31-43

Focal Passage:  Acts 9:42 "This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord."

Observation:  In this passage, Peter performs two miracles.  As a result of both, many people were saved.  People were saved because someone told the story of what had happened, or they were witnesses of it themselves.

Application:  What miracle has God done in my life that I need to tell about?  The obvious one that comes to mind is my salvation.  That is the biggest miracle of all.  I was dead in my sins, and Christ died on the cross to give me the opportunity to live free from those sins.  If I simply tell my story of what God has done for me, both on the day of my salvation and since, how many might come to know Him?  
I find it interesting that in the second miracle in this passage, Peter raises a woman from the dead.  That is exactly what Christ does for us through salvation.  We are dead in our sins, and He raises us into life with Him.  

Prayer:  Lord, Please make me sensitive to times when you want me to share my story.  Guide me to do it only for your glory and your honor! Amen.

What is your story?  Share it in a post on your blog and link it in a comment here or e-mail (meb88meb @ hotmail . com) me a link and I will link it here. Put MY STORY as the heading of your e-mail.

Confused?  Don't know what I am talking about?  E-mail me.  

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