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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

That's Stephen

The other day, I got home from work and there was a notice on my door that UPS took a package to the office. I hadn't ordered anything and the notice was left to the name "Magee". The office was already close, so I decided to just wait until the morning to get it settled. Clearly it had been delivered to the wrong address. So the next morning, I head in to figure this out and show them the slip tellng them my name is not Magee and I'm not expecting anything. She pulls the package out and sure enough it has my apartment number on it. I said, "well what's the name on the package?" She looked at the package and looked at me with a somewhat perplexed look on her face. Studdered a minute and then said, "Fatty Magee". Okay, if any of you know my brother, you know his affinity for nicknames. I think he has the most nicknames for me. Fatty Magee being one of them. So I die out laughing and say yeah that's me. Its from my brother. The office lady just laughs hysterically apologizing for calling me Fatty! Oh my brother. I called and told mom what happened. Her response: That's Stephen!

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Alyson said...

I'm getting bored and am running out of things to help me procrastinate...it's about time you update your blog.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Alyson, I've thought the same thing!!