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Monday, September 12, 2011

Watch Me Grow!!

Excuse the terrible picture. I fell down on the job this week and had to make do with what I had.

I love this expression! It sums up his personality! I just wish I knew what he was thinking!
So Thomas is now 7 months old. Yes you read that right SEVEN months! He has been out of me for almost as long as he was in me!? Craziness! It has been a whirlwind of a month with lots of travel, firsts, and progress towards settling into a home...more about that in another post. This one is all about my Tom-Tom!! So here are his latest tricks:
  • He sleeps for a glorious long time. Usually from 7:30-8 until 6-6:30 (eats) and then sleeps for another hour.
  • He takes 2-3 naps a day depending on what time he gets up and whether or not he goes to school
  • He really likes school. I think he has a crush on his teacher, and she might just have a crush on him! He makes flirty eyes at her when I drop him off.
  • Are you ready for this one?? HE SLEEPS IN THE BABY BED!!! Yay! This is a new development. Just in the last week. But he transitioned like a champ! It just reinforces my belief that when they are ready to make these changes, they will do so easily. There was absolutely no screaming and crying it out required. I just laid him down in the pack 'n play swaddled in his Woombie, and he went to sleep. Now try it without the Woombie, and he screams. So for now, we have the Woombie.
  • Another great development: no more medicine!! I've been slowly weaning him off his acid reflux meds since July. At his 6 month check-up, the doctor told me I could quit giving it to him whenever I felt like it. So I forgot a few days last week and over vacation, and he didn't seem to notice. So we just quit. No problems! He still spits up,  but not as much and he doesn't complain of pain.
  • He eats table food. We sort of just skipped the pureed baby food and went right to table food. He ate some pureed peaches and avocado, but since we waited until he was 6 months, he was okay with table food. We just give him really small bites. He is adamant that it must be the same thing we are eating. If I fix him some veggies that we are not eating, he refuses to eat them even though I know he likes them. Silly boy!
  • He has eaten: peaches, avocado, carrots, peas (a fave!), butter beans, apples, bananas, yams, black eyed peas, green beans, chicken, and hamburger. And he gnaws on corn cobs. That's his favorite!
  • Not only does he sit alone, but he spins around on his bottom to get to things. 
  • He can lean over to pick up a toy and get back to a sitting position.
  • He can get up on all fours and rock back and forth. He can't quite figure out how to move his hands in order to crawl. I'm firmly convinced that after one day of playing with Luke, he will be crawling. I'm trying to find a time to go to Tupelo to arrange this.
  • He's not quite sitting himself back up if he topples over. He gets up on his tippy toes and hands in order to attempt this, but just falls right back on his tummy. This is a great source of frustration for him and mommy.
  • He's madly in love with his mommy. Seriously, he's kinda connected to my hip. He cries when I leave the room. Glad to know he loves me, but it does get kinda annoying. We are working on this playing independently stuff. I really think crawling will help.
  • He has one tooth, and 3 more look like they will break through any day now. 
I think that's it! I'm sure I forgot something, but you probably really don't care!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Adelae loves peas too! She shovels them in as fast as her little hands can move! Thomas is getting so big! I miss seeing him :-(