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Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 Random Things

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a post with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged. A LOT of you need to update your blogs anyways...

25. I LOVE cheeseburgers. Growing up, I would probably eat them for dinner at least 4 times a week and often for both lunch and dinner. I eat them plain with cheese and ketchup only. If its not right, I won't eat it.

24. The beach, specifically Destin, FL, is one of my most favorite places on earth. (Granted I haven't been to too many places!) I think the beaches are beautiful and relaxing! On that note...

23. This past summer, I spent ten days at the beach half with my family and half with Michael's. During the half with my family, nearly half of my family drowned by getting caught in a strong undertow (spelling?) and being unable to swim in. I had to rescue my uncle and was then unable to swim in myself because of the extra weight. We were then rescued by a dude on a jet ski. In the meantime, my father was being rescued by the lifeguard...which I have NEVER seen a lifeguard at Destin until this summer...and I've been every summer of my life.

22. Speaking of family, I have the BEST! I talk to my mom and dad DAILY! I often find myself calling them with absolutely nothing to say except I love you and miss you. My brother is also amazing, even though we can fight with the best of them...I know he really loves me and would do ANYTHING for me. I also have the most fantastic sister-in-law. I call her my sister--I wanted one all my life and she is perfect for me!

22. Speaking of in-laws...I have the best "in-law" family. I have always felt like I "belonged" to their family from the very beginning of my relationship with Michael. I love them all very much, and they get along great with my family.

21. I adore children. I love to play with them, teach them, and watch them grow up. I hope to have a houseful one day. I want around 5, Michael wants 2, so we are currently at a compromise on 3. I am hoping when the first one arrives, he'll change his mind. (I think he is hoping the same thing about me!)

20. Speaking of children, I have a degree in elementary education. So I am certified to teach kids grade K- 12. I taught 2nd grade for one year before going on the get my Master's in Counseling and Christian Education.

19. Speaking of the Master's, I am working on my Master's in Marriage and Family Counseling and Christian Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX. Until this past July, I have never lived further than 20 minutes from my parents. Unless you count...

18. The summer I spent in Thailand doing summer missions. I lived in a dorm of tribal children and taught English classes at their school. It was amazing. Changed my life and perspective on things. On my way home from Thailand...

17. A bird flew into the engine of the plane causing an explosion (similar to what happened in the miracle on the Hudson except we hadn't completely taken off yet) and we had to exit the plan on the inflatable slides and spend the night in Bangkok to start again the next day.

16. I have also spent a summer as a Children's intern at my hometown church and a summer working at Lake Forest Ranch, a children's camp in Macon, MS. The combination of these two experiences led me to pursue the Master's degree I am seeking.

15. I hope to get my PhD one day and would love to write books.

14. Speaking of books...I love love love to read! Mostly fiction, but I enjoy the non-fiction just can't sit down and read them in one sitting like I can with a good fiction book.

13. I have known how to swim since I was 2. I took swim lessons and in order to graduate you had to jump off the high dive, which I did...at the age of 2. My mom also says that during swim lessons, once I turned over on my back and started floating there was no hope of getting me to do anymore. That is ironic because now it is really hard for me to float on my back.

12. I am a big big big Mississippi State fan. Go bulldogs. I grew up 20 minutes away from the school, and my family has had season tickets to football, basketball, and baseball all my life. Even though I hated it as a kid, I love it now. I miss being there so much. Watching it on TV is NOT the same!

11. As such a big state fan, we have had English bulldogs my whole life. (team mascot) Our current English bulldog's name is TJ and he is actually the MSU mascot's son. He spent the first 6 months of his life in training to be the next mascot, but flunked out because of his stubbornness. Lucky for us, that is how we got him! Check my albums to see pictures of him.

10. I am easily addicted to reality TV, therefore I limit myself on how much I can watch. I am currently watching the Bachelor and American Idol. I will watch Survivor probably when it starts up in a few weeks.

9. I also am an avid fan of 24 and LOST. I love love love Jack Bauer and Jack Shepherd.

8. I was a cheerleader for 5 years in high school.

7. I took piano for 10 years.

6. I was the state champion in Bowling when I was around 2nd or 3rd grade. I can't remember exactly.

5. I was on the swim team for a few years in elementary school. That didn't last. I am incredibly athletically challenged. I am also afraid of balls.

4. I loved baked goods...cookies, brownies, cake, pie...YUM!

3. I can eat a LOT! Especially if its southern cooking...fresh from the field stuff like my Aunt Dot makes.

2. I have the most amazing husband in the world. He is incredibly patient with me and loves me despite all my bad qualities which I have failed to mention here. He laughs at my goofiness and listens to me when I need someone too. He was willing to pick up and move 500 miles away from his family for me to pursue my goals. I love him soooooo much.

1. I am grateful to God for all of these blessings I have been able to list here and for the salvation I find in His son, Jesus Christ. I hope to continue to grow in my relationship with the Lord and seek to follow his will for my life.

1 comment:

Day said...

Oh i remember the days when you were on the swim team..... miss you :)