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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Fun in Fort Worth

We went over to Jonathan and Alyson's house last night for a delicious dinner of Cheeseburger soup and then headed downtown to see Santa and the big Christmas tree in Sundance Square. We had a fabulous time hanging out with some friends before everyone headed out of town for Christmas. Dallas and Emily also joined us...They are from Booneville, MS--small world huh?

This morning my dear sweet husband woke me up at 8:15 because he could no longer contain his excitement. Santa came early to our house since we are leaving to go home to our parents' houses for Christmas. Sadly he only visited me--I know I know, I should be ashamed. I'll redeem myself, Christmas isn't over yet!--Anyways back to the story. He--Santa--had cooked muffins for breakfast and filled my stocking. Michael had 3 presents out for me to unwrap! In my stocking I got an iTunes giftcard along with Rasinets, ponytail holders--because Santa says I only have 1--and 2 different kinds of chap stick--apparently Santa thinks I have dry lips! Then I opened my presents. **Notice--this year Michael made an executive decision to take my part of the Christmas money to buy for him to put toward one gift that was "for both of us". ** So I am a little worried that he has gone and gotten something really expensive for me and is just pretending that we'll both like it! No need to fear--he was honest. He got me--us--a Wii! YAY! Plus Dance Dance Revolution! I really super duper like that game! So it was an instant hit! I did talk him into giving me a little bit of money to buy him something to unwrap. I gave him one of those charger valets that hold your iPod, phone, wallet, keys, etc. plus all the chargers with cords hidden. I must give the credit to my sister-in-law Nicole for the gift idea. I am TERRIBLE at gift ideas! So anyways, we spent the day dancing away and finished up a little Christmas shopping. I leave for Columbus tomorrow and Michael will come on Wednesday after he gets off work. If I don't post until after, have a very Merry Christmas. Don't forget the reason we celebrate--The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us! (John 1)

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