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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thomas Wants YOU to Vote YES!

In November, Mississippians are going to have the opportunity to lead the nation in the fight against abortion by amending our constitution to establish personhood as beginning at conception. The Personhood Amendment will effectively make abortion illegal in Mississippi. In the weeks and months leading up the this vote, many scare tactics have been publicized by the opposition (namely Planned Parenthood and the ACLU disguised behind front organizations). Because they know that they will not defeat this amendment merely by running a ProChoice campaign, they have resorted to spreading false information about potential consequences of Amendment 26. Let me address both of them here.

1) The Personhood Amendment will make the use of birth control illegal. FALSE! The Personhood amendment will make birth control that acts as an abortifacient illegal. This includes mainly the IUD and the morning after pill. Let me define an abortifacient. The IUD and morning after pill irritate the lining of the uterine wall causing it to thin out and become a hostile environment for a baby. Therefore, when an egg is fertilized and a baby is created, it has no safe place to implant and continue to grow and thus is aborted by the body. Many women using these methods NEVER KNOW they were pregnant to begin with. Simply because you are not aware of a pregnancy, does not make the human life there ANY LESS valuable.

2) The Personhood Amendment will make IVF impossible in the state of Mississippi. FALSE! This amendment will make it illegal to destroy the babies (fertilized egg) created in the IVF process. Many couples create many more babies than can be implanted at a single time. These are frozen for future use. If the couple conceives, they may decide not to use those babies. At this point, many couples choose to “destroy” (kill) the “extras”. This would not be allowed if the Personhood amendment is put into law. There are many couples who cannot even produce eggs or viable sperm to create an fertilized egg and would gladly “adopt” such babies.

Let me be clear that I am addressing PRO LIFE people who are against this amendment for the above two reasons. First, if you truly believe that LIFE begins at conception, then the above two scenarios are effectively abortion. They are just not the form of abortion that one typically thinks of when he hears the word. They are, however, the killing of babies. Second, I know its difficult to vote in favor of this amendment when you personally have done one or both of these two things. By doing so, you are admitting your guilt. I have been there! In January of 2010, I discovered the term abortifacient and what it means. I began researching the birth control that I used at the time and realized that although it wasn’t the MAIN method my pill used, it was the “fail safe”. I was horrified. I grieved for days. It was SO difficult to admit that I was wrong especially in an area that I care SO much about. Michael and I decided at that point to stop using that method of birth control. The Good News in this situation is that the blood of Christ covers ALL sin. There is forgiveness and freedom in Him.

My ultimate purpose in writing this is not necessarily to sway you to “my side” of the argument. By goal is for you to be an informed individual, not just about the way you vote on Amendment 26, but also in the methods you choose for family planning. I am not against birth control. I am against anything that acts as an abortifacient and effectively kills a fertilized egg which is a human life.

Please know that I’ve been there struggling with this information too. I would love to talk to anyone who has questions or wants more information. Also know that I’m not sitting here judging those who make different decisions than me. I just want you to have all the facts because for a long time, I did not have all the facts, and I was brokenhearted when I discovered the truth.


Rebecca said...

Well written. I wish Texas would review the same amendment. I will be praying for Mississippi as citizens come out to vote. Praise the Lord these issues are being brought to light!

Patsy said...

This needs to be posted publicly because not everyone can read your blog.