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Sunday, January 9, 2011

I think we might be ready...

...or at least as ready as we are ever going to be! So I know it's been quite awhile since I've posted. I promise to attempt to catch the two of you that still read this on all that I've been doing lately.

Today, I am 36.5 weeks pregnant. On Wednesday, I will be 37 weeks, which is, technically speaking, full term. OMG.

He has a name. Thomas Edward Ketchum to be calls Thomas, or if you are in the Burks family "plain Thomas". Long story.

I think we finally have the apartment functional yet as de-cluttered as possible after adding all the baby stuff. Thomas will be in the bedroom with us until he outgrows his basinet at which time he'll transfer into a pack-n-play in the living room/office area. He's not going to have his own room because the guest bedroom is (a) too far away for my comfort and (b) filled with  boxes and boxes in preparation for moving.

I've been preparing for delivery by getting as much schoolwork finished as possible. Thus far, I've completed two book reviews (includes actually reading the books), one 5 book annotated bibliography, 5 Systematic Theology readings, 5 memory verses, and 5 quizzes. That leaves 2 readings, memory verses, and quizzes and one interview project that I really want to finish before he's born. If I'm really lucky, I may even get one research paper written next weekend. Just not sure if I'm going to be able to write a research paper before actually taking at least SOME of the class--plus the topic is always helpful! We shall see...

So I guess that is a summary of what's happening as of today. I'm going to try to do a series of posts summarizing what's happened since the last time I posted. We'll see how far I get!

I got back to the doc on Tuesday. We'll see if there's any progress towards getting this child OUT! :) I'm not really tired of being pregnant, just REALLY ready to see him, hold him, kiss him, hug him, snuggle with him, and watch Michael do all those same things!

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