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Monday, October 13, 2008


I AM FINISHED!!! With an incredibly long (28 pages to be exact) Outline. I have now officially thought through my personal strengths and weaknesses as a counselor/person, my theory of personality, and my theory of counseling. The basis of which was a biblical worldview, which I also had to discuss. AHH!!! Glad to be done with that...at least for now until she hands it back and I have to start revising and writing the paper.

Enough of that!


Okay, so all the hype was that this new series Twilight by Stephenie Meyer was the "next Harry Potter". Well, if you are a Harry fan, don't get your hopes up. I just won't even compare the two because they just really don't have much in common except they are both fantasy.

That being said, you MUST read Twilight, especially if you are a girl. Fabulous love story. Now, I will tell you that I wasn't that enthralled at first. During the first three books, I was thinking, well this is a nice story, but really its not just phenominally amazing (like Harry Potter). Then I read the last book. It made me fall passionately in love with the rest and want to go back and re-read them now with my new perspective. Now, this is interesting because I have friends who were passionately enthralled with the series from the beginning and were seriously disappointed in the final book. So, be warned. I loved it though. I thought it was totally unexpected and creative!

Now I know you are thinking, she is going on and on about these books and hasn't even told us what they are about. Well, if you don't know, all I am telling you is that it is a love story between a girl named Bella and a man named Edward. They are from completely different worlds which I will tell you nothing about. Go read for yourself and tell me what you think.

Now if you know why they are from completely different worlds, you should still go read for yourself and tell me what you think.

If you aren't a reader, check out the trailer to the movie.

I would like to hear anyone's thoughts on these books. Please leave a comment.

1 comment:

The Burks Family said...

I thought you were about to tell me too much about the book. I have made it to their Saturday trip that was orginally for going to Seattle but instead they are hiking :) I'll keep you posted!