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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nanny's 80th Birthday!

My Nanny (Dad's mom) turned 80 this year, so we celebrated by throwing a big birthday party for her! The best part was that we managed to surprise her! Our whole family gathered for pictures that morning, and then we told her we were going to pick her up for a late lunch at 2. Of course, she was getting very antsy by 1:30ish and Pa was not in on the secret, so he was super antsy as well. Stan finally told Pa so that he would calm down and help keep Nanny in the dark! It was so funny, when she walked in, she tried to sign the guest book like she was at SOMEONE ELSE'S party! All of her friends and family were there! Aunt Cindy put together a really cute little show for us to do. Each member of the family had picture with the year when Nanny was our age on it. Then we said, "When you were my age..." When Nanny was my age, Monopoly was invented...I think...or that may have been Thomas'. IDK. Anyways, that turned out super cute. I have video of it, but its on Dad's phone. I'll have to upload it later. Here are some pics from our fun day:
The ginormous cake. It was SO good.

The three great grandchildren huddled around some packets of ketchup. (Thomas, Luke, Martin)

This was my view most of the day...

Mommy and Thomas

SUCH a little stud.

Thomas getting acquainted with Mrs. Edna, one of my most favorite people from Fairview.

I'm not sure what Luke is doing, but he thought it was great!


Thomas made a new friend in Cousin Jessica...or her phone...

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