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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Quick Udate

I am becoming a terrible blogger but not without good reason. It's been a busy few weeks as I've finished up my second semester of graduate school. I am glad to say that it is finished along with one May-mester class that I took last week in crisis counseling. I have two weeks before my summer classes start with 2 assignments to complete for crisis counseling in that time, work, and Practicum on Tuesday nights. My first Practicum night was last Tuesday and it followed a day of class from 8 - 5, so I was officially at school from 8 AM to 10 PM. Needless to say long day, but add to it that I was sick! It was a really LONG day! I am feeling much better now and am excited about Practicum and all I will learn this summer!
Friday night, Michael and I got all dressed up and went to a nice steak dinner with our friends Alyson and Jonathan. I just realized that I don't think I have a single picture of Alyson and me much less have ever posted one on here. I will have to rectify that problem. It's time you officially meet her. She's a keeper. Anyhow, Michael came home with these lovely roses before our date! How sweet!
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Also, we might possibly have had an outing with Deanna and Kristy who could possibly be our friends. We have been wanting to visit the King Tut exhibit over in Dallas, but it was a little too expensive for us. My dear sweet husband discovered that the last day of the exhibit, they were having "Mummy Midnight Madness" and cutting tickets to half price if you would come between midnight and 7:30 AM Sunday morning! We rang up Kristy and D to see if they were game, and of course, they were up for it! So yesterday afternoon, we traveled over to Coppell and had a lovely evening with Kristy and D. They cooked us a yummy dinner, and we played a rousing game of "NERTS". Then we went off to an early bed time (9:30), so we could be up and roaring to go at 4:00 AM. The exhibit was very interesting. It was amazing the amount of detail work these people put into their stuff. We found it amusing that almost EVERY statement began with "possibly" or "could have". They couldn't nail down anything in that joint. For all we know, it wasn't even really King Tut. J/K. But seriously, they weren't sure about anything they were telling us. Kristy and I being the English grammar folks that we are, found countless errors that really were ridiculous for such a famous exhibit. Seriously, subject verb agreement should not be a problem..."This objects is". Come ON!! Anyways, we had a great time with all the other delirious and sleep deprived folks at the exhibit except for that fact that the "death mask" that they advertised on EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF ADVERTISEMENT was not there. "Too valuable and fragile to leave Egypt since the 70s" PUH!.

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