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Monday, June 27, 2011

Watch Me Grow!!

So a lot has changed for Mr. Thomas during month four besides him getting fatter! Here are his stats from his 4 month check-up:
Weight: 16 pounds 9 ounces
Height: 25 inches (although I think this was an incorrect measurement...)
Head circumference: 16.25 inches

He got two shots and one vaccine by mouth. He did super great this time. He cried for a minute, nursed for a few minutes, and then was fine. The rest of the day was perfectly normal. He did run a fever again, but didn't seem to be bothered by it and Tylenol kept it under control.

Doctor said everything looked great. We were sad that this was our last visit with the Fort Worth pediatrician. We really liked him and his office staff.

So as of four months Thomas could: (forgive me as I'm trying to remember back to what he could do then and not what he can do now)

  • Roll from his tummy to his back when he wants to, which is about once or twice a day. He would just rather play on his tummy for awhile and then scream. But he is perfectly capable of doing it.
  • He rolled from his back to his tummy the day after he turned 4 months and has not done it since.
  • Nursing for about 10-15 minutes every 2 hours (I know that's often, but what can I do...he's hungry)
  • Still sleeping through the night. Waking once to nurse sometimes not even that.
  • Reach out, grab toys, and shake them vigorously
  • He smiles for the camera very easily now...as you can tell from his pictures
  • Still jabbering a lot. He's advanced to a high pitched scream when he's really excited.
  • He's transitioned out of the miracle blanket and into a woombie which gives him more freedom with his arms. 
  • Somehow he travels. We can lay him down facing one direction, and he somehow manages to turn his whole body the other way. (as in his feet are where his head were and vice versa)
  • He is wonderful in Sunday School. He just watches all the other babies.
  • He does really well with other people too. The night we loaded the moving truck, he was probably held by 5 different people and went a considerable amount of time without seeing me and was perfectly happy entertaining the company.
That's all I can think of! I'm sure there is more, but I just can't think that far back!! 

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