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Monday, November 24, 2008

Official Announcement

I have completed my last paper for the semester!!! YAY!!! I am so happy, and I know you are too!!! I still have finals to study for and a few miscellaneous assignments to complete but nothing too big!

Oh By The Way...if you did not watch 24:Redemption last night, you totally missed out. Excellent show. You didn't even have to be a Jack fan to enjoy, although I definitely am one!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Shack

I just finished reading The Shack by William P. Young, and I thought I would give you a "review" of sorts. Overall, the book is a very good read with an excellent plot and development. Now, for those of you who aren't familiar with this book, it is the story of how a man, Mack, who has tragically lost his daughter, works through the pain and distrust that loss causes in his relationship with God. I must call to your attention that this is a work of FICTION. The author on his blog writes that this is a work of Fiction. It seems that there are people out there who believe it is real. (Once you read the book, you will understand why I am making this point.) Anyways, I don't agree with all of the theology you will find in it, but overall it is a good book that looks at our relationship with the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) from a different perspective. It is well worth the read, but keep in mind it is not Scripture. If something said in the book doesn't match up with what you find in Scripture, then go with Scripture instead of the book. (That sounds really dumb to have to say, but apparently there are people out there...) :) Happy Reading!

Friday, November 21, 2008

We've Added One to Our Number

Jason and Tiffany Ketchum
proudly welcome
Kaylea Ruth Ketchum
born November 18, 2008
11:47 p.m.
8 lbs 4 oz
20 in.
Big Sister: Clara Beth
Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mr. Sunshine

Here is an excellent article from the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal (Thanks Kristy) by Brad Locke about Tyson Lee, quarterback for the Mississippi State University Bulldogs.

I don't know Tyson now as well as I did in high school, but it is apparent from (Thanks Day) this article that he still has a heart for Jesus Christ and is showing that heart to the press. In a word of addition to the article, last Spring, Tyson took an afternoon and came and spent it hanging out with my second graders. He helped us feed them lunch and then played a little football with them on the Drill Field at State. These kids need role models like Tyson to look up to.

This kid is for real because his faith is in something real.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Our Modern Civil Rights Crisis

In recent months, I have become increasingly aware of the abortion rates in our country and the devastation that brings into lives. Where I am from, everyone is mostly pro-life. There are no abortion clinics right down the road. But here, in Fort Worth, there are abortion clinics just right down the road. I am so much more aware of how prevalent this practice is. My heart aches for those unborn lives and even more so aches for the women who come to that decision. I want to reach out to them in some way and offer them the hope of Jesus Christ who forgives ALL sin.

Here is an article that puts things into perspective.

Where do you stand?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Someone Should Have Told ME!

I spelled the word humOrous wrong and NO ONE told me!!! I am SO embarassed. I have a degree in teaching ENGLISH to small children, and I can't SPELL!!

Kristy, I really thought you would have told me! You've got to have my back girl!

I apologize. I will try to check my spelling on future posts.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Too Humerous Not to Share

DISCLAIMER: I am not in any way trying to offend anyone. I am sure it is no surprise to anyone who knows me that I supported John McCain basically because of moral issues such as abortion. However, now that Barack Obama has been elected President of the United States, I am exhorted by Scripture to submit to that authority (as long as it doesn't require me to sin obviousely) and pray for him. That is what I will do, and it is what you should do. That being said, this is very funny:

George W. Bush won in 2004 with 51%. Some responses: Deeply Divided Country Is United in Anxiety (WSJ) Sure, Country Is Divided (NYT) A Nation Divided (SPT)
In contrast, Barack Obama won the 2008 Presidential race with 52% of the vote. Some responses: Nation is united by victory for hope over historic divisions (Times UK) America’s choice: Obama wins in a landslide Obama’s night: Long road ends in landslide (BDH) President-elect Obama wins landslide victory (TN) Obama becomes first black president in landslide (AP)
The lists go on. So - to get it straight: 51% = deeply divided nation. 52% = landslide election.
An acquaintance mentioned this political cartoon after the election, and I just had to find it. This just shows how the mainstream media interprets things based on biases. Click HERE to see the original piece.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Warning: Do not read this post until you have read the previous post: Can you speak the language?

See how well you did:

LOL: laugh out loud
2G2BT: Too good to be true
4COL: for crying out loud
404: Where are you?
MYOB: Mind your own business
M8: mate
ROFL: Rollin' on the floor laughin'
BFF: Best friends forever
PLS: Please
AYSOS: Are you stupid or something?
IDK: I don't know
XOXO: hugs and kisses
ILBL8: I'll be late
YF: wife
YBIC: your brother in Christ
XLNT: Excellent
ZZZZ: bored
IWALU: I will always love you

BONUS: WOMBAT: Waste of money, brains, and time

One I forgot to put on earlier, but it is important to know:
ASLA: Age/Sex/Location/Availability

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Do you Speak the Language?

In my Human Growth and Development class on Monday we took this quiz as teams to see if we could speak the "text language" of today's teenagers. How well do you speak the langauge?



I am proud to say that my team scored the highest in the class! We won $5 giftcards to Blockbuster.

Quiz by Johnny Derouen, Ph.D., professor at SWBTS

ANSWERS will be posted later!