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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Internship!--Almost Settling for Less Than God's Best

Part of my degree program is a semester long counseling internship. I am set to start mine this summer. I am so excited that I will be interning at Catholic Charities. (I know, I know, but like 60% of the employees are Baptists and its an amazing organization with a great reputation!) About a month ago, it dawned on me that I had one month to determine where I was going to do my internship. I had assumed I would just do it at the counseling center on campus because I wanted to work with kids, and I could not get any other suggestions of places to work with kids. After a Wednesday morning Bible study with my wonderful girlfriends, I was convicted that I was taking the "lazy" way out by not pursuing an internship elsewhere. I was settling for less than God's best. (not that anything is wrong with doing an internship at the campus counseling center, I just began to feel that God had something else planned.) SO, I freaked out on the phone to both my parents and my husband, got a list of recommended sites from the campus counseling center, and started researching those sites online. I found two places that offered opportunities to work with children using play therapy. So I called and e-mailed hoping that someone would call me back. Literally the minute I got off the phone with my dad after worrying over my lack of preparation for this, one of the places called me back. She told me to pick up an application, fill it out, and then call her to set up an interview. I immediately did all of this, but she I did not get a return call for an interview for TWO WEEKS! While I was waiting on the first lady to call me back, the second lady e-mailed me. I thought well great, at least one of them wants to meet me. So I set up an interview to meet with this lady. After this interview got set up, the first lady called to set up an interview. So then I had TWO interviews set up for the week before my letter of intent was due to the school. Any of you who know me know that I do not operate that close to deadlines. Ideally, I would have liked to have this handled a month ago, but for some reason it snuck up on me. Anyways, I attended the interview with lady #1, and we got along quite well. She offered me the internship, but they did not have a play therapist on staff although they had a play therapy room. I left thinking that would be a good place to do the internship but hoping that the second place would offer a little bit more. My interview at the second place was great. They have 2 play therapists on staff who would be willing to help me. I would have 1-on-1 supervision once a week. They are moving into a new facility next month featuring two state of the art play therapy rooms! I WAS SOLD! Thankfully, she offered me the internship and I took it! I told mom, I don't know why I worry about how God is gonna work stuff out. He NEVER ceases to amaze me with his provisions that are so much better than mine!! So I start in May! YAY!


Bro. Sammy said...

Way to go Mary Beth! Sounds like a great opportunity.

Someone has said, "God may not be early in His response to our prayers - but He is never late."

Thanks for the newsy blog!

Love & blessings,
Bro. Sammy
"W/God's goodness 2 desire our highest welfare, God's wisdom 2 plan it, & God's power 2 achieve it, what do we lack?" Tozer

Patsy said...