You have always been someone I could look up to. Two major things you have taught me: First, the value of hard work. My whole life you have been an example of hard work. There were times that it drove me nuts, but today I am glad that you instilled that in me. My work ethic has given me many opportunities that I would not have had if I did not value doing my job to the best of my ability. Second, you've always been 100% supportive of me and my goals and dreams--even when they weren't exactly what you wanted me to be doing! I cannot express in words how much I appreciate the support you and mom have given me over the years as I've tried to follow God's plan for my life. I wouldn't be able to do things like go to Thailand or live in Texas for 3 years without y'all behind me cheering me on and praying for me. I hope that when its my turn to support my own children I can do as great a job as you have done. I love you more and more as I get to know you better now that I'm older. I treasure our conversations and your advice on things. Thanks for being the best (and most handsome) Daddy a girl could ask for!
Love you,
1 comment:
A super tribute to a loving Dad!
It was great to see you at church yesterday. Glad to know that you are doing well.
Bro. Sammy
"The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him." Proverbs 20:7 NKJV
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