13 Months |
14 months |
15 months |
16 months |
17 months |
18 Months |
I had all the pictures in this post loaded and ready just waiting on the 18 month picture to be added with the update...and now it's November and I'm just now adding that picture. Needless to say, I cannot remember just exactly what Thomas was learning to do during the months pictured here. As you can tell from his 18 month picture, lots of bumps and bruises were a part of our life. It seems like every time his forehead gets all cleared up, he bangs into something else or falls and gets another goose egg. He discovered his fascination with blankets--as you can see in his 15 month picture. He requires that the entire blanket be covering him--no sharing allowed. He stopped sleeping in the Woombie pretty quickly after his birthday, but kept it as a lovie. We don't go anywhere that sleep is required without it. Luckily, he usually leaves it in his crib during the day unless he wakes up particularly cranky. We slowed nursing down to three times a day (wake-up, nap, and bed time). I know that still seems like a lot to most of you, but for Thomas its really good considering he nursed every 2 hours for most of his first year (about 8-10 times a day). He jabbers a lot and we can understand many of his words. I can't remember just exactly which ones were popular during this time, but I know he talked! His signs also started showing up more and more after his birthday...please, thank you, more, and all done are most popular.
Thomas--Mommy thinks you are just adorable. I'm so thankful God chose me to be your mommy. Your personality keeps me on my toes. You are hilarious and so very social. You want to talk to everyone, and you are into everything. I love every minute of being your mommy--well most every minute, I do enjoy my sleep (which most nights, you are very cooperative, thank you!) I look forward to watching you continue to grow and blossom! Love with all my heart, Mommy.