First things first, Baby is doing great. I went to the doctor today and heard the heartbeat again! The nurse said it was good--164 beats per minute! All of my bloodwork and stuff checked out "perfect" as the doctor said, and I have gained 2 pounds.
In other news (still about baby because, really, what else is there to talk about?), Baby got his/her first present last week! Last week was the week for packages--we got THREE! First came a gift from "Auntie" Lindsey. She sent baby the gowns on the right. One is white and says "mommy loves me" the other (behind it) is yellow with a duck on it! So CUTE!
The next day I got a package of maternity clothes sent from my cousin Misti via my Aunt Lee. My aunt told me several months ago that when we got ready to have children, I should try to aim for February so I could use Misti's clothes (her son turned one this past Feb 2010). Well I must say I did a fabulous job because my due date is Cole's birthday! Anyways, she sent some summer things to help get me through until I can come home and pick up the winter stuff--which I won't need for a while anyways.
Then I got a package on Saturday from my mother! Michael comes blazing in with the package hollering that he is going to have to take his baby and move to Australia because if its a boy, no one will love him. Apparently, my mother had a VIVID dream in which she discovered that my baby is a GIRL. She was so SURE of this revelation, that she went out and bought a PINK gown set (see below on left!). HAHAHA! She also sent the "Baby's on the Way!" Pregnancy journal. I already have it caught up to where I am now!

Other than that, not much is going on around here. The cloth diaper vs. disposable debate continues. Feel free to weigh in in the comment section. We are debating between Bumgenius, FuzziBunz, or just plain ole disposables.
Hopefully the next time I post I'll have pictures of my sweet nephew Luke!! For now we are patiently awaiting his arrival!